7 News Belize

Trio Charged For Carving Up Turtle
posted (July 25, 2023)
And for this next story, if you have a weak stomach, you may want to look away.

Two women and a man were in court after they were found with a slaughtered Hawksbill Turtle. 7News was there when Fisheries officers on a patrol caught the trio with the turtle, already carved up last week Wednesday. Today, 72-year-old Lionel Young, 20-year-old Jenever Usher, and 38-year-old Shantel Usher were each charged with possession of prohibited fish.

They were unrepresented in court, but while the Usher sisters pled not guilty, Young pled guilty. He told the court that the turtle wasn't his, and that the three of them made the mistake of passing by the fishing camp at the wrong time.

Since Young claimed the turtle wasn't his, the Senior Magistrate rejected his guilty plea and entered an equivocal plea of not guilty on his behalf. The trio is currently out on bail until their next court date on August 30th.

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