7 News Belize

Senate Special Select CMTE Probing DA Has First Meeting
posted (August 15, 2023)
The members of the Senate Special Select Committee held their first meeting this afternoon at the National Assembly Building in Belmopan. This is the group that will lead a probe into how the definitive agreement was born under the UDP, and then made it into the PUIP Cabinet room where it was one step away from ratification.

The Committee comprises four social partner senators, along with two PUP and one UDP senator. Today's meeting was to begin the preparatory work of the Senate Special Select Committee by selecting a chairperson. It started at 2 and lasted about 3 hours, and while a chairperson was chosen, the name is being kept confidential and will be announced at tomorrow's Senate Meeting.

But, already this Committee - led by the independent Senators - is under attack from the Prime Minister who called them "foolish" today. Appearing on Open Your Eyes yesterday, PM Briceno said, quote, "I am Disappointed with the NGO senators when they say, 'oh they also want to investigate the government. That's the problem when you try to be oh so neutral you end up looking foolish..."

And from there the PM went on to attack NGO Senator Janelle Chanona, saying, quote, "Ms Chanona - who is the person, well we know who wrote it I wish she would be brave enough to say who wrote it. We know who wrote that was written for her." End quote.

So, basically, he's accusing Senator Chanona of being a fraud, or a pawn.

But, an hour ago, when the meeting was done, we spoke with Senator Chanona about the work that's to come, and also the PM's comments essentially attacking the Committee for investigating the government. Here's what she said.

Janelle Chanona, NGO Senator
"I feel it was a productive session. The work has begun and its a lot of work. The president will be making a statement tomorrow at the senate meeting."

"And what happens now following this meeting?"

Janelle Chanona, NGO Senator
"The committee meets and the work gets done."

"How often do these meetings happen?"

Janelle Chanona, NGO Senator
"That's under discussion, but we are aiming to move expeditiously."

"I really want to ask about the prime minister's comments this morning. I don't know if you heard it, he was on Open Your Eyes and he kinda called the inquiry foolish for wanting to also investigate the government. Can I get your response to that?"

Janelle Chanona, NGO Senator
"The prime minister is entitled to his opinion."

"He also called you out specifically, saying that we know basically who wrote the motion for you, as if like somebody is pulling your strings."

Janelle Chanona, NGO Senator
"Well I can only go back to what we shared from the outset, the social partners got together and put together this motion, put it forward and it was passed by the senate. I can't change the facts."

You can catch tomorrow's Senate meeting live on Channel 7 or our Facebook page.

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