7 News Belize

Janelle Chanona Officially The Chair Of SSC
posted (August 16, 2023)
Last night we told you about the first meeting of the Senate Special Select Committee investigating the Definitive agreement. Today, the members went into a meeting of the full Senate where NGO Senator Janelle Chanona was officially named as the Chair of the Committee.

She was very guarded in her remarks yesterday, but slightly less so today. We spoke to her outside the Senate meeting about the road ahead and if it will lead to the Prime Minister's office:

Janelle Chanona, Chairperson, Senate Special Select Committee
"Yes, the members have asked me to lead on this but truly we'll be guided by the terms set out in the motion that was passed unopposed by the Senate and we will do so within the powers and procedures set out in the constitution as per the functions of the Senate in conducting inquiries of this nature."

"We are certainly minded to work as expeditiously as possible, all senators have expressed that we really want to get this started and through, working towards recommendations. It was clear that we have a tradition to break so to speak, we don't want our report on this matter to sit on a shelf, we want that it can be acted upon and that it proves meaningful and that is really the mandate we're working towards and of course we will be keeping the public up to date on everything that we can keep the public on in terms of scheduling, etcetera."

Courtney Menzies:
"Do you find that it might be a little more difficult with the government seemingly undermining the process?"

Janelle Chanona
"Well, that's your characterization but certainly we have, the powers of the constitution are very clear in terms of what the Senate should be doing. This type of matter is a core function of the Senate and as Senators, this is what we're proceeding to do."

"Can you say if the prime minister will be among those that will be called to present himself before this Senate Inquiry?"

Janelle Chanona
"I can't say at this time."

"Any government officials though?"

Janelle Chanona
"Well yes. The outline as referenced in the terms of reference say that whoever can and should be called to help the committee arrive at its conclusions as per the terms of reference will be called and that is what we will be guided by."

"That is to say that the prime minister is not above being called before, for this inquiry."

Janelle Chanona
"I can only refer to the constitution which says any minister, any government official, anyone, public, otherwise, and so once the committee determines that X person should appear then that is what we will move to do."

To be clear, section 61A of the Belize Constitution gives the Senate power to, quote, "institute and conduct enquiries and investigations on any matter of public interest and importance, including inquiries into mismanagement and corruption.."

The senate may also "require the attendance ...of any minister of government".

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