7 News Belize

SSB Goes Online
posted (September 22, 2023)
And that project was only one of SSB's announcements today. The other had to do with the implementation of their virtual portal. It's a way to avoid going into the office, and get everything you need online. CEO Ruiz spoke more about it today.

Deborah Ruiz, CEO, SSB
"We are planning in another 10 days or so to launch the full employer transactions. So employers will see a change in terms of the way how they interact with Social Security. All they will be able to upload their statements online."

"They will be able to see their account balances before that was not possible. So what we have done is that we are changing the accounting process. So now you get an account and you have your balance and you pay towards your balance."

"So that is a major change and we are prepared to engage with the employers further to discuss any concerns they may have in that regard. But normally what has happened in the past is that you submit your statement and we upload it and whatever payment you do, we put it towards that."

"But you might have a balance of 20,000 that you're not moving the payments or you're not maintaining your payments, schedule that type of thing and then we end up becoming statute bar that causes a problem for us if we have to take you to court."

"So we are going to be following standard accounting practice that you pay the oldest debt first. So that we don't fall ourselves into that situation."

"So this SSB portal is not only for the employers but also for employees, for them too, to be able to track where they are in terms of receiving their medical assistance, all of those things."

Deborah Ruiz, CEO, SSB
"Yes, the portal will be available as a channel of choice. We still have our offices open for those persons who are not yet comfortable going online but we encourage that. But the portal, you will be able to create a profile."

"One profile allows you whatever your role is as social security. If it's an employee, if it's an employer, because I am dual, I am an employee and I am an employer because I have my domestic. And then you would, we have the doctors as well who will have access to start a claim process that requires a medical certificate."

"So different profile but one login."

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