7 News Belize

MNR Looking Into Borja’s Land Transactions
posted (September 27, 2023)
But one Natural Resources issue the Minister is better apprised of is the allegations made by murder victim Ricardo Borja. In recordings released after his death, Borja alleged that he and others were involved in cases of significant land fraud - with collusion from various arms of the government and judiciary - including the Lands Department

He says the police are taking the lead - but within his Ministry they are looking at the instruments signed by Borja:

Cordel Hyde, Minister of Natural Resources
"Well As far as I know, there is an active police investigation, because it's a murder case someone died, and I have directed our people to cooperate fully with whatever however, the police wants our help ultimately at the end of that investigation, if wrongdoing has been found to have taken place There are still penalties for that whether by the law or public service regulations, we don't condone that kind of wrongdoing we don't all support that at all. And we've been very clear with our people of course you know it's a coalition of allegations, but we take it very seriously. We've gotten some advice from the Attorney General's ministry, and in terms of our own internal work we are looking at all the instruments inside our ministry, examining those very closely to see all the instruments that may have involved a participation from this deceased, and to see whether we uncover anything about that investigation or that examination. Well, I don't want to call it an investigation because the police does investigations, that examination is ongoing so once we discover anything that's amiss there are penalties for that but that's where we are right now. Ultimately this forces us to take a critical look at our internal processes, and how we can make those tighter how we can reduce the chances for this kind of wrongdoing or this kind of allegation again."

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