7 News Belize

No Land For Yemeri Youths
posted (October 26, 2023)

But it's not just the village leaders that are affected. The young people in the coming generation are watching as their village land dwindles. As agriculture students, they fear they will have no land to live and work on. Today they spoke to us about their concern that their dreams may be crushed before they are ever realized.

Jordie Usher, Student/Yemeri Grove Villager
  "Most of in Yemeri Grove are actually students are UBCF so that's Central Farm, it's an agriculture school and most of us have dreams to pursue agriculture as our future work plans and with this whole MLA situation we had to take time out from our class to be here and this was a very, to me personally, it was a very successful press conference and it really shines the light on what's going on in Toledo in our home and most of us we want our own land in our own community and with this whole MLA situation, in the next couple of years, where will we get land from?"

Herald Usher, Student/Yemeri Grove Villager  
"Right now we can all see that the land for farming is getting short and with this new generation and how things are going, you won't even be able to get a house lot and all of us here, we're basically finished with our degree, we want to pursue agriculture, I want to get into livestock and obviously the land won't be there if this dispute continues and we have other guys in our village that like agriculture, they won't be able to pursue their dreams."

"Do you feel like one day you may have to leave your village if you want to pursue your dream?"

Herald Usher, Student/Yemeri Grove Villager  
"That's the thing, right now you might say you would have to end up going to that but the way things are headed, there won't be land anywhere."

  Jerome Young, Student/Yemeri Grove Villager   "The main reason I'm here is because I feel like for youths, people don't listen to youths and if I say that I want people feel the way I feel or hear how I feel that youths aren't recognized. I'm proud of my chairman for inviting me on this trip today because I feel like the world will, all the different people who are listening will know that even the youths are suffering."

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