7 News Belize

GOB: No More Fees At Public Hospitals
posted (October 31, 2023)
There was a big announcement coming out of Belmopan this afternoon.

"Government has approved the removal of all fees charged in public hospitals,". A release calls it "a pivotal decision aimed at ensuring universal access to quality healthcare."

Now, we stress this does not conclude the KHMH - it includes public clinics and hospitals - like the northern and western regionals and the various clinics and polyclinics.

Collections at these locations were already very poor and the release says "revenue arrears for hospital care bills reached approximately 50% over the past three years."

But now all that is gone and the government says, quote, "This move eliminates financial barriers and enhances healthcare accessibility for all citizens, particularly low-income families."

It is unclear whether this includes lab, pharmacy and radiology fees and what type of cost analysis was done.

Normally, these questions are answered at press conferences, but those are now considered taboo by the current administration.

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