7 News Belize

Digi Doing Well
posted (November 24, 2023)
Digi Belize held its 17th Annual General Meeting today and the biggest news coming out of it was a 34% increase in profits - and a 7.6% increase in overall revenue. They've also expanded their coverage, targeting 14 new sites for their "fiber to homes" network and 18 new sites for their mobile network.

BTL's CEO discussed the work of the past year.

Ivan Tesucum, CEO, Digi
"This year we are proud to say that we have increased the dividends by 54%, we're paying 20 cents per share, last year we paid 13 cents per share, so that's an increase of 54% so certainly the company has done very well this year, it's a very stellar performance, we focused on the execution on driving cost efficiencies while also driving revenues. In terms of revenues, we saw an increase to one hundred and fifty two million from one hundred and forty million and in terms of bottom line, we also increased it by 35% to 21.6% from 16.1% last year, so the company has done very well. We have also expanded to many new areas, so we had 18 new mobile sites and 14 fiber to the home sites. One of the things that we continue to realize is the connectivity is required for everything. This connected world, you need to be connected, whether it's for business, whether it's for entertainment, whether it's for health, or just connecting to a loved one, we know that connectivity is driving us and that's something that we are committed to at Digi, our national telecom, so we've continued to focus on that and that has yielded results."

"With these additional sites, do you address the problem areas, for instance we know that in PG, Smart is the one that rolls."

Ivan Tesucum, CEO, Digi
"Certainly in the past, that was the case. I would say where we're at now, we've increased our capacity tremendously. The other things that we're looking at as well is we've closed those gaps especially down south, as a matter of fact, this year we continue to expand with another 14 to 15 mobile sites and guess what, we're going to bring connectivity to the Coastal that right now does not have and right now we're also closing the gap on the southern high way, between Trio, Bladen, and all those villages."

"So they don't have to rely on Guatemala anymore."

Ivan Tesucum, CEO, Digi
"No, they won't have to so we continue to expand and we love that our customers really appreciate it, we see they thank us for being connected, and like we said, you cannot live without connectivity nowadays and that's really what we're all about."

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