7 News Belize

Stann Creek West Area Rep Has Angry And Powerful Constituents
posted (December 20, 2023)
And while some would surely say those panades are crisp and delicious, the investment group which owns the Big Creek Port is not a fan. As we told you earlier this week - they sent an angry letter to the Prime Minister - condemning the acquisition of the Port of Belize. They say that government has created a conflict of interest as both referee and player, and is now jeopardizing their investment and the 250 jobs they provide.

That's a headache for the Stann Creek West area representative Rodwell Ferguson. The Big Creek Group, have been among Ferguson's staunch supporters. When we asked Ferguson for his comment today, he made it known that the matter is out of his hands.

"Your constituents at the big Creek Port have complained bitterly about the government acquiring the port of Belize. They have written to the prime minister making a very harsh criticism of the government. These are the same people. Who were your staunch supporters? Do you feel that regardless of what's in the letter - in which you are copied - that you still enjoy their support?"

Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Transport
"That's a very good question I believe I do because I have my own way of dealing with my own people in my constituency, and they have a right to express their concerns and their feeling about the port because it's a private port now competing with a government port, that was a decision by cabinet And I cannot make any changes. I cannot revert."

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