7 News Belize

ComPol Pushing For Breathalyzers And Speed Guns
posted (January 16, 2024)
As we told you earlier, there were three traffic fatalities over the weekend in the west, and last week there were four in the north.

Indeed, Belize's roadways are in a safety crisis and so what are police and the Transport Department going to do about it?

The commissioner said that they are looking to change the law to give way to speed guns and breathalyzers:

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"We do recognize that we are losing a number of persons to traffic incident along our highways. Myself and minister Ferguson also discussed the matter, and we had put in place an operation between the department of transport and the police even all the way up to 10 PM at night to see how best we can maintain some stronger presence on the highway but I think we have reached the point where we need to see how we can come up with a joint cabinet paper and I had already asked Mr. Grinage to coordinate with the ministry of transport Again and I am trying to see if I can have a meeting with them on Thursday and what I am going to propose to them is for us to be able to sit down and see if we can do a joint cabinet paper to amend the law as it relates to the use of a speed gun I think that the way the law is currently structured it calls for specific type of speed gun, which is no longer in commission and so it needs to be changed to include other types of speed guns that can be used and then we also want to be able to amend the law likewise, for the greater use of breathalyzers so that the printed receipts issued by the breathalyzers equipment can be accepted in the court as a Prime evidence against persons who are charged with the offense of being under the influence while driving. So I will wait for that meeting tomorrow to see what else we can do but certainly we have step up our presence on the highway."

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