7 News Belize

NTUCB Says No To Foreign Judges
posted (January 24, 2024)
Last week when the Supreme Court opened we showed you the stacked roster of foreign judges. Well, the National Trade Union Congress of Belize also noticed that and issued a sort of rant complaining about it today. It says, quote, "Something is seriously rotten in the State of Belize when only 1 of our 18 Senior Court Judges, including the Chief Justice, is Belizean born. This shows the level of regression that Belize has come to. We are now dependent on foreigners to administer justice in Belize. These foreigners do not have any cultural references or ties to our society yet enjoy the perks of these high offices. The NTUCB deems this akin to the days of colonialism." End quote.

Today's release also makes the suggestion that the People's Constitution Commission should consider a quota system for Belizean-born attorneys to be given some allocation or consideration in filling judicial posts.

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