7 News Belize

Grocer Remanded For Shooting Man In Foot
posted (February 20, 2024)
Yesterday we told you about the Chinese store owner in Belama who was detained after he allegedly shot a person outside of his store in the foot.

He is 29 year old Wenjing Lei who appeared in court today and was charged with one count of use of deadly means of harm and one count of wounding upon Reno Castillo.

Police obtained surveillance video from the store which was used to charge Lei. He is a licensed holder of a Glock 43 pistol and was represented in court by Dickie Bradley.

Due to the nature of the crime involving a firearm, he was denied bail and remanded to the Belize Central prison until March 1st.

The complainant showed up at court to attempt to withdraw the charge but that instruction did not reach the court in time, and much to his chagrin, the shopkeeper was sent up on the prison bus.

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