7 News Belize

Bladen 12 Voir Dire Far From Over
posted (February 28, 2024)
Today the Bladen 12 were back in court as additional witnesses took the stand during the trial within a trial. This part of the proceedings are dragging out slowly due to the number of witnesses that will be called as well as the schedules of all attorneys and prosecutors. Today Alifa Elrington explained that there, at minimum, three more witnesses to be called - and that's not counting the witnesses for the actual trial. However, they're hoping that the voir dire will be able to narrow it down further.

Alifa Elrington, Prosecutor
"The voir dire is not even halfway yet. I think to date we've only called four witnesses and I have at least seven more to call."

"We would have disclosed about 78 statements from persons who would have had some kind of touch and concern with this matter. We are under obligation to disclose all statements from persons who would have engaged and that is what we had to do. When we're looking at the matter as it relates to the witnesses we were calling, I was able to bring down the list, after going over the list initially, I was able to bring it down to about sixty persons that would be able to support the position of the crown and then provide additional corroborating evidence so that the case can flow. It was hoped that we would have been able to cut down the list even further with persons who the defense would agree that their evidence was not necessary, well not that their evidence wasn't necessary, but their statements could have been read in because they wouldn't necessarily have any questions for those persons."

"But we have not been able to get all counsel to agree to any further reduction of the numbers at this point in time."

"Depending on how the voir dire goes, we may not need to call all these persons as well."

"The court is working with us, there are actually 6 attorneys in this matter, the defense has 4 and then of course myself and Mr Stain, both who have other matters before the court as well so the court is trying its best of course you know that the matter was adjourned once because one counsel on the defense side was ill and then I subsequently fell ill as well so that cause a significant delay and we lost 8 days so now the court is trying to find dates to accommodate the continuation of the voir dire."

The next court date will be March 25th.

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