7 News Belize

Bernard Boasts About Best CT Scan
posted (March 1, 2024)
And, keeping it on the broad intersection of politics and health - as we told you earlier this week, the KHMH has finally received a long overdue addition to its hospital services. A state of the art Fuji 128 slice CT Scan.

And even though it's been a long time coming - the Ministry of Health is beating its chest proudly about the acquisition.

Not only is the machine a first of its kind in the region, but it is also, according to the minister, of premium grade. The minister further went on to discuss today what sets this piece of equipment apart from all the rest in the country and even Guatemala's public healthcare system.

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"That is again another major achievement of this government and as the minister of health I took that to the cabinet. We fully supported for us to get the CT scan, it has taken some time to arrive but now it is here in country it is being installed and definitely for the residents that visit the KHMH hospital that service will now be provided to them at a very very low cost. We have not worked out the cost for that with the KHMH but remember this equipment is an equipment bought by the government for the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital so there will be no high costs to the Belizean people. What that does it also improves the delivery of service it makes diagnostics even better it is a 128 slice Fuji brand CT scan one of the best and I was speaking to a medical doctor in out country and he has expressed that this will be one of the best if possibly in the entire region here because not even our neighbor Guatemala for example their public facility does not have a 128 slice and so Belize is boasting one of the best machines that will be provided. I also want to couple with that we are also expanding trying to look at other regions in terms of the x ray equipment the Fuji brand is a very well known brand it provides quality and not only that we are having the equipment but we are able to provide the maintenance that comes with it a five year plan that the supplier had to provide for this unit."

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