7 News Belize

UDP Appears In Rare United Front
posted (March 5, 2024)
UDP leader Shyne Barrow and his predecessor Patrick Faber have not presented a unified front at a press conference since possibly around 2021. But, today on the eve of an election where the party feels it can shock the world, they did just that.

They put the word "United" back in "democratic party" - even if just for a day.

Barrow and Faber, along with Tracy Teagar Panton who has also not been a regular presence at press conferences said that national issues will dictate the outcome of this municipal election:

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"We have suffered, the Belizean people have suffered from this dysfunctional, extremely dysfunctional relationship that the PUP has inflicted upon us for the last three years. Never have we seen this level of acrimony between mayor and prime minister, mayor and area representatives, concillors and mayors, all at the disadvantage of the Belizean people."

"But fear not, the UDP on March 6th, by the power of the Belizean people, together we will rescue ourselves from this wretched People's United Party local governments across the nine municipalities and we will return to the sound and prudent stewardship only enjoyed by United Democratic Party governments, local governments and central."

"One thing we have proven that we know how to do is govern."

Tracey Taegar Panton, UDP Albert Rep.
"If there is ever a time where we need to make our voices loud and clear, it is tomorrow, Wednesday, March 6th. I have walked the city and I can tell you that there has not been a household that I have visited that have not expressed their concerns about the lack of commitment by the People's United Party to meet its obligations to the people."

"The number one concern that I have received on the campaign trail is the high cost of living. and the fact that many families are struggling to put food on the table."

Patrick Faber, Area Rep., Collet
"I hope that the results tomorrow will be an impetus for Prime Minister Briceno to call the elections."

"Because, you know, I remember him on the other side of the house shouting, call the elections now, call the elections, now, and of course, he did that on many, many occasions and every time he eventually got his way, I believe, but back then he called, you remember shoes?"

"He called and he called and he called the elections, now, and every time he did that, of course, the UDP came up victorious. Well, I want to challenge him likewise, now, to answer our call for the elections and I can promise him that it will not be like in those early times when he called for the elections."

"The people of this country, from my gauge, are fed up with the People's United Party, the corruption, the last -minute contracts. The high cost of living is crippling to the Belizean people. The fact that they play politics, I just spent some time walking the streets of my own constituency and people will tell you that they give us no food pantry, they're giving in some other eras, they selectively pick who they want to give."

"But overall, the cost of living is a factor and I want to encourage Belizeans, countrywide, if you live in a municipality, let that be a factor."

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