7 News Belize

Allegation And Counter Allegations In PUP Corozal Bay
posted (March 18, 2024)
And from street fights to political ones...

After the town board elections in Corozal where the ruling party got over 60% of the vote it should have been one big party for the PUP this weekend as their new council was sworn in.

But, instead, amid the festivities party members have been butting heads and publicly feuding on Facebook. Most notably, area representative for Corozal Bay Elvi Vega Samos made a post saying that she was assaulted and her husband's life was threatened by one of her own party members. And within hours, her party members stuck back with some acid posts against her - saying she was the aggressor.

Ugly stuff, and today we asked the Prime Minister and the Compol for more information and perspective on the situation:

Jules Vasquez
"Sir, how do you feel about all this noise in Corozal Bay, these unfortunate Facebook posts and threats and allegations?"

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"I think success brings its own problems and people are getting very excited about wanting to represent, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it's unfortunate that we have this kind of behaviour from both sides."

"I believe that we are one party, we are one family and if we have any problems, we should try to work it internally and not outside."

Jules Vasquez
"Have you cautioned all parties to..."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Well, that's a matter for the chairman that deals with these matters and I've already told him that he needs to... well, when I spoke with him over the weekend, he said he'll be looking into this and see how he can calm things down for us to be able to move forward."

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"It's a matter that yes, the police is looking into up in the north. It was brought to my attention and we're seeing what can be done about the matter."

"The gentleman who Ms. Samos alleges assaulted her, he's saying that Ms. Samos and her husband basically sort of clipped him while they were driving."

"He said that when he went to the police station, the police told him he wouldn't be able to make a complaint due to that incident. You're able to comment on that and say whether that's true?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I'm not aware of that at all. I know that our report was made and the police is looking into the matter."

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