7 News Belize

Women In The Police Force: A Force To Be Reckoned With
posted (March 20, 2024)
Now let's talk about women, specifically the women in the Belize Police department, who play a just as important role as the men. Today the Department held an award ceremony to recognize and praise these women who have selflessly dedicated their lives to protecting and serving citizens. Jomarie Lanza was there and here's her report:

The women in the Police Department are a force to be reckoned with, and we heard it from the Compol himself today. A number of Women police officers were recognized for their years of service and dedication to the profession, not only for the roles that they play within the ranks but also as women in a profession industry primarily dominated by males.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Well the event . is very important for us as police officers, and for me as the commissioner of police to highlight to the public that while many may see the police department as a men's world, that it is no longer that we have, very long way to making sure that we do recognize the hard work and importance that women play in law-. enforcement if you look at the rank structure of the department, we have two women in the higher echelon at the assistant commissioner level and more so one of them is current acting in the capacity for DCP and then below then we do have a number of women police officers who are up there in ranks and right there behind following. So we are seeing that woman are making great strides in the department, and as the commissioner of police, I always ensure that I support the woman making sure that they are given whatever is due to them. Gone are The days that people say a woman must work 10 times harder than a man to be recognized if you do the same work that the man is doing and you meet the criteria then by I'll be, and she should be given the opportunity to elevate as well."

We spoke with one of the awardees who told us more about how she worked her way up towards her dream of being an officer.

Cpl Carmella Cacho, LTO Punta Gorda
"I would say that it's been a great journey being a police police police officer. I've always wanted to work in my community and serve the people of Belize, so I find that being a police officer is rewarding, and it is allowing me to accomplish the goal that I have set for myself."

"I would say that I have just always tried to remain positive and everything that I do I pray every day and give God thanks for always being my guiding light and everything that I do."

"Well you know in every environment working with female police officers often poses challenges, but I find that we get along together well and I communicate with everyone and I believe that everyone communicates with me."

The Compol says that not only in women's month do they strive to break the bias when it comes to gender roles. He says that it is high time all officers should see women as equals and just as deserving for promotions and seniority:

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Well I know from time immemorial we have seen that women have been stifled. That is the truth, and when I became commissioner of police, I said we have to be fair to the women because sometimes you look at the women as only persons who can do secretarial work, the boss wants a cup of coffee get me a coffee the place need to be swept sweep the place you know that is not the role of a woman in law enforcement. When a woman decides to join police they join to be a law enforcement officer not a domestic worker so we have to ensure that in the workplace that we make that clear distinction that they are women in law enforcement and not domestic workers and so I've tried my best to make sure that I change that mindset and you will see that it has not really changed because everytime we have a major post or a high ranking post and I would nominate a woman for the post you hear the men they rumble and they go to Jules Vasquez and oh the commissioner is appointing this one she is this and she is that you know it is just about their own personal egos and what they think they are entitled to and because of that they fail to realize that the women are right there with them toe to toe making sure that the task is being done so when I nominate a woman for a particular post, it is because I am sure that the woman has the capability."

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