7 News Belize

Which Victims Should Police Move, Accident Or Shooting Victims?
posted (April 19, 2024)
And while the Minister of Home Affairs refrained from giving an interview today, you heard him yesterday discussing whether police officers should transport gunshot victims to the hospital themselves. He explained that cops aren't medical professionals, and one wrong move could hurt the victim more than help them. But while it may be wise to wait for the ambulance, Musa did admit that in times of desperation - like when the ambulance is delayed - the officers should use their discretion.

But should that apply to gunshot victims, or mainly to victims of road traffic accidents, where there could be spinal damage?

That's what the media asked Musa yesterday.

"Rather than seeing someone like that who's been shot, which to my mind is different from an accident scene where you may have mangled up vehicles entangled with a body, it's completely different from a situation where someone has been shot. You can see where the person has been shot."

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"I actually shared your opinion, your layman's opinion. I am a layman as well, and I actually shared that view as well. And that's why when I was asking the doctor specifically about a gunshot victim compared to one that's involved in an accident, and he said there's absolutely no difference because of the way how you have to handle a gunshot victim."

"And so I was a bit surprised like you because I was not aware of that."

Other medical experts say that the victims who should only be moved by trained professionals are those in traffic accidents - while gunshot victims should be rushed to the hospital by any means necessary.

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