7 News Belize

Belize Calls For Climate Justice At SIDS4 Conference
posted (May 27, 2024)
Belize's Minister of Sustainable Development, Landy Habet is in Antigua and Barbuda tonight representing Belize at the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States. The theme is Charting the Course Toward Resilient Prosperity and in his remarks this afternoon, Habet spoke with urgency about the common cause of Small Island Developing States, known as SIDS:

Orlando Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development
"The sids story tells that we are not so much victims - The SIDS story tells that we are not so much victims as we are defenders of what is right, of what should be. What has been prescribed for us is not."

"The SIDS story is a human rights story and our SIDS process must be one of transformational leadership."

"Belize stands here shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters from the Caribbean, Africa and Asia-Pacific to redeem the SIDS ambition."

"We stand for justice and in defense of the vulnerable."

"Now you must deliver. Providing only 2 percent of climate finance to our countries who are in the line of the climate fire is not delivering. Closing off channels of access to finance based on anachronistic eligibility criteria and ever- changing rules, is not delivering."

"Give us a chance by walking with us on that path to a resilient sustainable future; it is also your future. On that journey, there are points when you must lead the way."

"Now, you must lead the way in bending the emissions curve towards a 1.5 global limit by 2030."

"Now, you must lead the way in scaling up finance and investment for climate resilient development pathways, and in providing debt relief to our countries."

"Now, you can help us also lead the way for a just transition by building our institutional and human resource capacities and know how to act in line with our priorities and needs and harnessing the advantage of the most advanced technologies." v "And now, you must deliver."

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