7 News Belize

Police Minister Says Named Suspect Wasn't At Hospital
posted (June 17, 2024)
And one of the suspects the Commissioner of Police named for that night at SICH was Mynor Galindo, David Galindo's brother.

But according to Galindo's postmortem report, his brother was the one to identify him at the morgue. So why wasn't he picked up then?

According to Minister Musa, it seems the Compol had it wrong, and surveillance video doesn't show him at the hospital on the night of the shooting.

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"I am told from a review of the video footage and I hope I am not being premature here but I am told that he was not identified at the hospital, based on the review of the video footage and so whether he took part in something thereafter, that again is under investigation but in relation to the incident, the night at the hospital, I'm fairly certain he was not there based on the review of the footage."

Courtney Menzies:
"How is the search for him going?"

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"I'll have to check with the commissioner of police no that."

Mynor Galindo has maintained his innocence and told other media he was not at the San Ignacio Community Hospital on the night of June first. He has also told BBN, the online news site, quote, "No one has been arrested or charged for my brother's death. Instead, the police are relentlessly pursuing us rather than the actual culprits...The authorities have utterly neglected their duty to ensure our safety and have instead harassed our family, baselessly accusing us of involvement in criminal activities...we call for the media and the Police to rectify their false reports falsely labeling me and my family as part of a gang, despite no actual affiliation..." end quote.

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