7 News Belize

Predictably, SOE Extended
posted (June 28, 2024)
And that's the spirit that they took into the house today as they introduced - for the first time since the Barrow Administration of April 2020 - a resolution extending an SOE to three months.

Based on what we heard from other ministers this week, we saw it coming. Here's how Minister Musa justified it:

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"We have arrived at a point where decisions, swift and certain, must be made to ensure that our Belize remains on track to be the best country in which to grow up and raise a family. We cannot do that in a country where a few feel that they have the power and impetus to wreak havoc on our streets, planting seeds of fear in the minds and hearts of hard -working and law -abiding citizens of our country."

"We are even more certain that we will not allow any corner of our country to fall into a state of normalized lawlessness, opening fire on a mother and child exiting their vehicle or the elderly men riding on bicycles is not normal. Blazing bullets in the dead of night at a police station is not normal and most certainly shooting a barrage of bullets into the home of a senior public servant. The commissioner of police, no less, is not the Belizean way."

"While we stabilize the security of our streets with the tool of a state of emergency, we must also recognize the positive, long-term feedback that comes with making sure no one is left on the margins."

"We must recognize the vulnerabilities faced by some of our communities that create optimum ecology for gang culture and crime to thrive."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"That we will not allow a small group of people to terrorize our law-abiding citizens."

"This small group of people, they're pushing. this country. They're pushing us. They're pushing the citizens Belizeans all over. Everybody has seen what has happened in El Salvador."

"That's not the route we want to go. That's not the route we want to go. We want to create opportunities for them. But citizens are clamoring that this government that we have to take action. What we are doing is not going to solve the problem."

"It is short term, but it will allow us hopefully that tempers can calm down. Emotions can calm down."

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