7 News Belize

Belize's Most Wanted, Brady Tillett, Speaks To 7News
posted (July 2, 2024)
Last night police released an unusual poster. IT shows the 5 currently most wanted persons. And in the middle of the poster we saw Brady Tillett. He's known to this newsroom where he has acted as a whistleblower on police suspect activities in the past.

But now he is wanted for aggravated assault upon the residence of the commissioner of police. Investigators believe that he played some role in the shooting at the Commissioner's house.

Tillett denies it totally. And last week - when murmurs were out that he was wanted for questioning he called our news Director and gave us this interview:

Jules Vasquez
"They say that you supplied the weapon that was used to shoot up Chester Williams home."

Voice of: Brady Tillett, Police's Top 5 Most Wanted
"I supplied the weapon?" (Laughs)

"Da every time some rass come up they noh know who fi blame from who not to blame."

"You understand me? And I am not hiding from anyone. If I know any charge is there, mek me know and I wen een go hand een myself with my lawyer."

Jules Vasquez
"But, do you have knowledge of the weapon, the.45 pistol that was used?"

Brady Tillett
"I have no knowledge about that. None."

Jules Vasquez
"You know the person who is accused however?"

Brady Tillett
"The person, like I say, I've always said this, right, is not a main workman for me."

Jules Vasquez
"And so, so he had worked with you in the past though?"

Brady Tillett

Jules Vasquez
"The reports are that he said that it's you who gave him the weapon. If he said that, what would be your response?"

Brady Tillett
"I have no response because I know I haven't done anything."

Jules Vasquez
"Have you had any firearm transactions with him in the past over maybe a smaller firearm?"

Brady Tillett
"I never had any firearm transactions with any of them, per se. I don't deal with firearms."

"They di try build wah case or they are trying to "rep" a case that I either di sell gun, then they said that I land planes, so they have to make up their mind with what they want to say about me."

Jules Vasquez
"And so have you spoken with the commissioner of police about this allegation and the fact that reportedly you're wanted?"

Brady Tillett
"Yes I send he 2 voice message yesterday (Wednesday, June 26) and he nuh ansa me back, you understand mi?"

"And like what I explained to him, every-time some **** comes up they want to blame me."

Jules Vasquez
"But are you hiding out?"

Brady Tillett
"If I am hiding? No I don't need to hide, I just need to stay out of eyesight of them. This is just like the last time what they did me what that bullet."

Jules Vasquez
"When they came and searched your home?"

Brady Tillett
"And took away my phone just because Chester wanted to see what's in my phone."

Jules Vasquez
"Have you ever gotten back those phones or been compensated for them?"

Brady Tillett
"I noh get back no phone. Chester said he would give me back something for the phone, still nothing yet. He promised that he would throw out the court case, still nothing as yet for that."

We spoke to the commissioner who denies that he ever offered to get Tillet;s ammunition charges thrown out - though he says police did consider throwing out the same charge against his then common law - but they left it in place. As for the phones, the commissioner says those are being kept as evidence - and that it is Tillett who offered to destroy the phone.

Tillett remains wanted tonight. Again, we stress that the interview was done last week before he was listed as a wanted person. Since then Tillett has disappeared. We have been unable to reach him and police have been unable to find him.

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