7 News Belize

Are Parking Meters Killing Downtown Businesses
posted (July 19, 2024)
Parking spaces were already tough to find on Albert Street before the introduction of the parking meters, and now, if you're not willing to pay, you'll have an even harder time finding one. And for businesses on Albert Street, sometimes, they lose customers because they don't think paying the meters are worth it.

For one particular business- along established hair salon near our office, the owner relocated to the northside, reportedly because the parking meters were driving down business.

We asked the mayor today if he's been receiving similar complaints, but he says parking for the private sector isn't his business.

Bernard Wagner, Mayor of Belize City
"We are responsible at the municipality. On-street parking has to be equitably shared by all residents. The parking meter provides the sort of backstop to ensure equitability and everybody has a shared time to park. I can't be concerned about the business, the business has to be able to look after their customers, provide off street parking. Everyday now when you are doing a new business, you have to be able to provide parking for your customers, that's not my concern, that's not the city's concern, we are responsible for on-street parking, we regulate on-street parking and that is our mandate."

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