7 News Belize

BMP Hospital: Who, Where, And How Much? PM Not Sure
posted (August 9, 2024)
Tonight there are questions about the location of the proposed 90 million dollar university hospital. Its concessionary loan from the Saudi Fund and the original plan clearly stated by the government was for the hospital to be built on the campus of the University of Belize. That's what they took the house in May of this year but sometime after that plans changed and now the government has paid at least 6 million dollars to purchase a piece of private property at the entrance to Belmopan, where the university hospital will now be located. Last night on the news you heard the president of UB say he's not happy about it and there are other suggestions that this may be one of those special sweetheart deals. Today in Dangriga Jules Vasquez asked the Prime Minister all about the deal and he was short on details.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"I really don't have the number with me but I could get it to you."

Jules Vasquez
"It's not an insignificant amount, its millions of dollars. Why did you all choose that model in terms of obviously the UB land was free. Why did you all choose to buy something outside?"

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Well, again we had a long discussion in cabinet over that matter. All along we wanted the hospital to be right beside UB."

Jules Vasquez
"It's on the legislation."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Yes. And so the idea was that it was going to be, certainly from speaking for myself I thought that we were going to build, we're going to build it right there in the campus that's already developed, It was then told to me when we went to cabinet that it was all the way to the back. There is no electricity, no water. They've just quickly put a road to be able to get there and the technical people in the ministry of health were saying, you know, I mean that's that's way too far out there Yes, 50 years from now, you know like in everything, but presently we have a present need and they felt that it is best if we could put it closer to where people already are, where there is the infrastructure, there is the Hector Silva which government has already decided now that we are going to develop it by bringing the BDF to move its air wing over there and try to make some more developments and because of the highway there it will be easier to access. This regional hospital is going to go to ease off the pressure as a tertiary hospital that the role as Karl Heusner plays, where everybody goes to Karl Heusner. Now this is going to be the regional hospital for the district of Cayo which is the fastest-growing District, one, but also provide services for Cayo District, Stann Creek and Toledo. So you want to put it somewhere that's easily accessible. So after a long discussion in Cabinet, and there was no about it, we were just looking at the pros and cons, we finally said in Cabinet, listen, we are not the experts."

"The professionals at the Ministry of Health, they are the ones that are the experts. They came and made a presentation to tell us why they believe we should do it where it is, and so what Cabinet then said, we are going to abide by the recommendation of the Ministry of Health."

Jules Vasquez
"But you are aware that it has proximity to the Belmopan sewage ponds, and it's also in a flood zone, that entrance to Belmopan is a flood zone, and the sewage ponds are adjacent to the property."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"I am not necessarily aware about that, but I am sure that they have taken that into consideration as to how it is going to be, if that is an issue."

"On the issue of sewage ponds, I mean, you go to big countries where in some instances the sewage ponds is in the middle of the city, people, you know, you just make, you just take the necessary precautions, one."

"Secondly, when it comes to the, it's not necessarily an area that floods, but the water runs there, it's just a matter of having the proper drainage system for the water to run out, like in everything that you find."

"But I can't argue back and forth over your points, I'm only telling you quickly from what I can."

And where did GOB find the land? We asked him.

Jules Vasquez
"How did you all land into this piece of land which I'm told is owned by a well -connected businessman? Was it offered to you and one has to ask is it a special arrangement?"

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Again, the skepticism and it's fine, that's fine, that's okay. I understand that you're trying to do your job."

Jules Vasquez
"It's healthy."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Yeah it's necessary and so I understand. Um, I had nothing to do with the with the whole process and um as to whether you should go too far or not, I'm sure that they have gone through that. They have gone through the process to why is it that they did that go to the house whatever, um so I just have to to accept that the people in the ministry of health followed the proper process as to how they want in making this decision."

Jules Vasquez
"Is the landowner a friend of the government or maybe of the trade ambassador?"

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Probably, I'd have to to check, but again what you need to look at is not about really the people, but really if the area if it's going to meet the needs and I trust the people in the ministry of health and they're saying this is the area that will be able to meet their needs for this hospital."

Jules Vasquez
"It's beside a sewage pond, sir."

Now we want to stress here while our information puts the parcel of purchased land at the entrance of Belmopan. The Prime Minister's team says it's somewhere else altogether. They are telling us it is directly across from the current Western Regional Hospital that should be directly across the street from the current Western Regional Hospital on a 7 acre plot they have shown us Maps. Showing us that location but our sources insist that it is at the other location at the entrance into the capital near the Hector Silva Airstrip which is one of the reasons the hospital was supposedly moved. While we await confirmation from the Prime Minister's office on the price that was paid for the land wherever it is and the precise number of the parcel we did map some other questions about moving this multi million dollar project. We will keep following this story.

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