7 News Belize

100k tons of cane left in the field, who should pay for it?
posted (August 19, 2024)
With the sugarcane crop season coming to an end, the numbers for this year's harvest have not yet been released but according to the Minister of Agriculture they are disappointing.

He said they are thousands of tonnes of cane left standing in the fields:

Jose Mai, Minister of Agriculture
"We ended up with a crop less than last year I think it is. We have close to 100K tons of cane left out there. That's it for that cane right, if the farmer is lucky he may be able to deliver it in December next year but usually you lose on that cane for years that has happened and the farmers don't get compensated for that. I don't think that should happen but it just shows you that the laws in other countries do protect the farmer we have a 50 year old law and trying to come up with a new law has become somewhat problematic because everything is oh you are infringing on the rights of the company and so it's not an easy place to be to be honest but we are hoping that this commission of inquiry will provide a basis a sound basis for a modern and updated fair law a law fair to the producer and fair to the miller but we can do better in the sugar industry."

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