7 News Belize

BTB Sponsors Upgrade For The Busiest Emergency Room In Belize
posted (August 26, 2024)
KHMH's Accident and Emergency Unit is always bustling - shootings, sudden illnesses, freak injuries, car accidents - they deal with it all - and not just the patients from Belize City.

But now, the staff and the patients will be able to find comfort in the newly renovated area. It's a collaborative effort between the Ministries of Health and Tourism that allowed the most used portion of the unit to be upgraded. And according to the Minister of Health, it will allow for an upgrade in the quality of care as well.

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health
"With these renovations, we're not only enhancing the physical environment but also improving the quality of care that we can provide to every patient that walks through these doors. This upgraded A&E will enable our dedicated healthcare workers, healthcare professionals, to perform their duties in a more efficient and effective manner. It will also ensure the patients receive timely and appropriate care in a setting that supports their recovery and respects their dignity."

Chandra Cansino, CEO, KHMHA
"This is the first point of contact for most patients who come to the KHMH and there is something about an aesthetically pleasing look when you go to places, you already feel bad, you come, you're sick, the least we can do is make it look welcoming and we also took into consideration the staff because it certainly upgrades the working conditions for staff as well."

"Essentially this is part of the Accident and Emergency Unit and so we have upgraded the area where patients will sit and wait and we have upgraded some of the patient room, we also have some equipment, you don't see anything here as yet because they will start to set up."

"And then we fixed the entire roof, changed the entire air conditioning system to a more efficient system and so it's definitely going to be more comfortable."

Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism
"As you all know, tourism touches a lot of other sectors, a lot of other industries, health being one of them. When people look at a destination to come, they look at the health resources provided. In the past, we inaugurated the Polyclinic in Placencia to support that area which is one of the fastest growing areas for tourism in the country. We've had some major incidents in the past few years here in the Belize district and we believe that if we are to cater to that large number of tourists coming into Belize District, 70% of the cruise passengers come here and all the overnight arrivals through the airport come through the Belize District so if you have any mass casualty issue then I think Karl Heusner has to be prepared."

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