7 News Belize

UDP Alliance Postpones Press Conference And Softens Its Tone
posted (September 2, 2024)
The Alliance for Democracy is trying all it can to not be the UDP's splinter group. The group, including Tracy Panton, Patrick Faber, Beverly Williams, and John Saldivar, was deemed by the UDP executive to have constructively resigned. They were supposed to have a press conference today to outline their future plans but that didn't happen. Instead, they issued a release saying, quote, "The Alliance for Democracy has been actively working behind the scenes to secure a retraction of the Central Executive Committee's decision to effectively expel Hon. Tracy Panton, Hon. Patrick Faber, Hon. Beverly Williams, and John Saldivar from the Party. This retraction is viewed as a crucial step-a condition precedent-to returning to the mediation table and addressing the current impasse." End quote.

The release adds that they are hopeful that an agreement can still be reached to return to mediation.

We note that this talk of "returning to mediation" and "addressing the impasse" is a sharp change in tone for the group. And that's because they need the cover of a mass party if they want to have any hope of future political success, and, like him or loathe him, Shyne Barrow presently holds the keys to the UDP kingdom.

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