7 News Belize

Faber Says Chairman Is In The Way Literally And Figuratively
posted (September 4, 2024)
Well, they have already gone. According to a late evening release from the UDP secretariat, quote, "For the avoidance of doubt, Tracy Panton, Patrick Faber, John Saldivar and Beverly Williams are no longer members of the United Democratic Party."

But, as you heard, they maintain that they are UDP's and now that they will even have a unity convention.

So, how do they get around the current UDP which is soundly controlled by Leader Shyne Barrow and Chairman Mike Peyrefitte?

Collet Area Rep Patrick Faber says that - from their perspective - the real problem in the UDP right now is an even bigger problem than the leader:

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"Then we need to fix how we vote as well in these meetings. There needs to be a clear guideline as to when it is we will use secret balloting because the leadership, the current leadership, is very spiteful."

"Remember they said that about me one time? Well, I tell you, this is new heights. Spiteful and vindictive find new meaning under this current leader. Gives some of the standard bearers a little small change every month. And the minute you don't vote the way he wants you to vote or you don't turn up in the meeting, threatens you and you know, in fact, we have seen now even removes you. And we can't get a decent vote because nobody will show up at the meeting or nobody will demonstrate that they are not with him because they fear what he will do."

"The party leader and the chairman, I have to say the chairman because in my view, you know, my feeling on this a long time ago, the chairman is an even bigger problem than the party leader. He is the greatest enabler and is the biggest problem, literally and figuratively - condones the party leader in his nonsense. You cannot just decide this standard bearer I don't like him."

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