7 News Belize

Flash Flood Alert As Tropical Disturbance Closes In On Belize
posted (September 5, 2024)
Interview Transcript And that rain is also going to affect the water levels in Belize's rivers- which are already high.

That's why today's flood forecast declared a "Flash Flood Alert" for certain areas of the Belize District and

watersheds coming off the Maya Mountain Range.

Tienelle Hendy the Principal Hydrologist told us more about what to expect:

Tenielle Hendy, Chief Hydrologist
"We do see this Sibun river reaching bank-ful stage. And we also have, looking at the Mopan River. But based on our 24 hour outlook that we have, there is a caution to, to residents in, in the south of the country for them to monitor the water level areas, their levels in their area."

"In terms of flash flooding, we are seeing some elevated levels in the northern or north eastern part of the country, in terms of the Maskall area, we are seeing where there's a lot of, water channeling its way in that area. So we put out a flash flood alert. And the alert means that flooding is possible to be prepared. For the 24 hour lookout, we are looking at the Rio Hondo, the Belize Mopan, Macal rivers, all the rivers coming off the eastern slopes of the Maya mountains. We see those having elevated levels going into tomorrow morning. But we're just saying to to monitor them, not to be, frantic about it, just to monitor the water levels as we are showing elevated levels in those areas."

Jules Vasquez
"But are there known areas where you have to be, especially on the lookout?"

Tenielle Hendy, Chief Hydrologist
"Yes. Jules, there are areas that you need to be specifically, a little bit more vigilant. It's a bit further away from what we call the urban areas. So it would affect the, the rural areas, in the Toledo District, in the Stann Creek district."

Flood Forecasts will be issued regularly for public safety.

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