7 News Belize

UDP Deputy Chair For Agg. Assault
posted (September 6, 2024)
The assault laws were recently changed to make it so that assaults on public officers and other important public functionaries - including the press - are now upgraded to aggravated assault.

And that's why the UDP's Deputy Chairman Alberto August is facing a serious charge.

11 days ago, August allegedly told an employee of the Elections and Boundaries office in San Ignacio, Tracy Gonzalez that he doesn't give a (blank) if she sues him. It's not exactly high crime and treason but in the current charged political atmosphere of Cayo it was enough to merit a complaint to the police and charge against August for aggravated assault. Normally it would be "insulting words", but he said it to a public officer so the charge is now upgraded.

He was arraigned and released on bail.

Today a release from the UDP. says August faces, quote, "vindictive and malicious charges designed to silence dissent and distract from a very elaborate and well-organized system of illegal voter registration and electoral fraud at the San Ignacio office of the Elections and Boundaries Department."

The statement concludes, quote, "Mr. August is being charged for saying the Emperor has no clothes...The UDP finds the charge against Mr. Alberto August to be baseless and dangerous to our democracy."

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