7 News Belize

Alliance Says Convention Was A Fraud, Lindsey Says It Was Not
posted (September 6, 2024)
And, while August spoke about Shyne Barrow's missteps as "little imperfections" - Lindsey Garbutt called claims of convention vote count fraud "outright lies":

Lindsey Garbutt, National Campaign Manager, UDP
"One is that the convention was stolen. Both Alberto and I supported Tracy in that convention, Jules. There is no way that convention was stolen. The second thing is the NPC meeting where it was said that they were never given a chance to bring up their agenda."

"That is a blatant lie. Michael Peyrefitte said, and I could quote him, verbatim, we will allow everyone here to bring up whatever point they want to bring up if we have to stay here until midnight. However, the order of the meeting will be first."

"We will discuss the substantial loss we suffered in Toledo East. And then we will allow you to bring up whatever point if we have to stay until midnight."

Jules Vasquez
"And they wanted the table Phillip Willoughby first."

Lindsey Garbutt, National Campaign Manager, UDP
"They wanted the meeting to be how they wanted it to be. My feeling and this is strictly my feeling speaking now as an individual, they did not go there to have a meeting. They went there to break up a meeting."

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