7 News Belize

17-year-old UB Students Mysteriously Dies After A Night Of Whiskey And Weed
posted (September 9, 2024)
A 17-year-old student of the University of Belize mysteriously passed away on Saturday night. Darrel Choc had been socializing with two female friends, aged 17 and 18 at a bar in Dangriga town when he suddenly had difficulty breathing.

By his friends' account, this was preceded by a shot for fireball whiskey - and smoking marijuana.

That's when he went into respiratory distress and was rushed to the Southern Regional Hospital but it was too late. He got there in critical condition and quickly became unresponsive.

His mother told police he had no pre-existing medical issues. And there were no signs of violence on his body.

Now his family and friends are left to wonder what could have happened. ACP Romero gave us more details.

ACP Hilberto Romero, OCED
"Investigation revealed that Darnell Choc was at a bar with two females consuming alcohol beverages. Thereafter, they left the bar and went to the seaside where information is that they were smoking cannabis, thereafter Choc had difficulty breathing. He was taken to the hospital where he was unresponsive and succumbed to whatever he had. We are awaiting a postmortem examination to determine the cause of death, no physical injuries were observed on him."

Courtney Menzies:
"Did he have any history of medical issues?"

ACP Hilberto Romero, OCED
"There is no medical history so we are awaiting the postmortem results."

Courtney Menzies:
"Are you looking at the two young ladies..."

ACP Hilberto Romero, OCED
"Yes they have been interviewed and they are a part of the investigation."

We note that police made no mention of the fact that Choc and one of his camel friends were underaged and socializing freely at a bar in Dangriga.

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