7 News Belize

BDF Finally Deploys To Haiti But It's Not A Contingent, Just A Couple
posted (September 9, 2024)
The BDF deployment to be part of a multinational force in Haiti has been on again and off again - but this weekend there was an encouraging signal.

On Saturday, a release announced that two senior officers were deployed to Haiti, , quote, "in response to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2699, which aims to re-establish security within Haiti and create conditions conducive to free and fair elections."

The release adds that the soldiers will be collaborating with the Jamaican Defence Force as part of a multinational task force dedicated to supporting Haiti's restoration efforts.

First they will go to Jamaica, before proceeding to Haiti to undertake what are called "crucial operational planning duties."

The release adds, sunnily, "This deployment underscores Belize's steadfast commitment to aiding international security restoration efforts and reinforces our support for CARICOM partners and allies in the region."

Of course, it's quite a long ways off from the original plan which saw a contingent of 31 soldiers and 20 Coast Guardsmen - who got training for the mission in Jamaica but then returned to Belize without deploying.

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