7 News Belize

Shyne Asks Speaker To Kick Tracy And Patrick Out Of The House
posted (September 11, 2024)
The next meeting of the House of Representatives is on Friday and Leader of the Opposition Shyne Barrow wrote to The Speaker of the House on September 5th to make clear that Patrick Faber and Tracy Panton have resigned from the UDP.

Now, factually, they have not resigned from the UDP, but in his letter Shyne Barrow argues, quote, "they have by their actions resigned from the United Democratic Party and the Central Executive Committee of the UDP voted unanimously to accept their resignation."

The letter goes on to make the case that they have violated the party constitution and party council resolutions. He also points to the name of the splinter group led by Tracy Panton - the Alliance For Democracy - and says this faction in itself is a quote, "blatant violation of the UDP Constitution".

Barrow concludes, quote, "Tracy Panton and Hon. Patrick Faber have vacated their seats...I ask that you "declare at the next Sitting of the House of Representatives that the Members from Albert and Collet have ceased to be Members of the House of Representatives by reason of having been a member of a political party(UDP) and elected to the House of Representative as a member of that political party (UDP) resigns from that political party(UDP)" as they are no longer members of the United Democratic Party as per our Party Constitution.

It's unclear how this will play out at Friday's house sitting but Collet's Patrick Faber has written what he calls an "Open Letter to the People of Belize". He says that Barrow's letter to the Speaker, quote, "is based on baseless claims that I have resigned from the UDP. "

He adds, quote, "I remain committed to serving my constituents in Collet and to upholding the principles of democracy. Belize deserves leaders who act with integrity, not those who misuse their positions for personal vendettas."End quote.

Albert's Tracy Panton has also written a letter to her constituents. It says,quote, "I have not resigned from my responsibilities as your Area Representative. We have not resigned. We have not been invited to resign. We will not resign; and, we will not be forced to resign."

She concludes, quote, "I do not cower to bullies or to dictators or to the LOO minions"

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