7 News Belize

5 Months For Police Inspector Who Beat Man in Cell
posted (September 13, 2024)
Tonight, Inspector Christopher Martinez is beginning a five month prison sentence. It's very rare when a police officer of rank is convicted and ends up in jail. But, so it is for him tonight - that's after he pleaded guilty to wounding two weeks ago.

He did that knowing that the Chief Magistrate Jayani Wegadapola had already given him a sentencing indication - saying he would face a custodial sentence if he pleaded guilty.

But 14 months after the trial started - that's just what he did. Which brings us to his sentencing today. Martinez's attorney Simeon Sampson brought character witnesses to make the case for a non custodial sentence. Martinez's wife gave moving testimony and she also read a letter from their son, a first form student who pleaded with the court not to put his father in jail.

But, the DPP - after presenting a victim impact statement on behalf of Aaron Flowers - recounted for the Chief Magistrate the facts of the case. And they are disturbing. On the night of Friday June 16 2023, Inspector Martinez went to the Ladyville police station - used his privileges to open the detention cell where Flowers was held - then took the padlock from the cell - and beat Flowers to the head. He left and returned - where police had to physically pull him out of the cell. He wore a uniform at all times - and his entering the cell was caught on camera.

Martinez did this after his home was shot up - and Flowers was detained in connection but never charged. Today in court, speaking on his own behalf, he apologized to Flowers and begged the court for mercy. His attorney did the same.

But, the DPP said that because of the extreme nature of the offense, the Chief Magistrate is compelled to start her consideration of a sentence at the maximum possible time in prison for the crime which is one year.

The Magistrate did do that and made deductions for the fact that Martinez had no prior offenses and that he did make a guilty plea.

But, it wasn't enough to save him from jail - and he was sentenced to 5 months in prison. When the sentence was handed down - Inspector Martinez gave a stunned expression - which his wife was in visible anguish.

But for the victim of the beating Aaron Flowers he feels like he got a hard won justice:

Aaron Flowers, Cop who Beat him got 5 months in Jail
"Of course I am satisfy, this is showing you even if you are the smallest man in Belize and once you have a little faith and you push and you don't give up, or you don't take a dollar more, justice will be done, Jules."

Jules Vasquez
"How hard was it for you to stick to this, because, you know, this man has powerful friends in the police, and they try get you to drop the case?"

Aaron Flowers
"It was difficult, Jules, I went to report at the Raccoon Street police station, when they took me there, a police come to me, in the station, and offer me $5,000. I made a report and nothing came out of it, Jules. And he is a high up police, I have all the evidence, the phone number, just by accident, the DPP pop up the station, same time. How much time they locked me down to try to pressure me to drop this case, Jules."

"I am at my business in Corozal. And when I go out and come back from Chetumal, they lock me down. When they lock me down, they tell me, the thing could go two way, either me drop it against Martinez or I will feel the pinch."

"They say, remember, you cannot win and its true. You know how many people is at jail right now that police plant bullet on, Jules. You never know what will be the outcome. Look at me, right now, certain police is not happy with me."

"Remember, that man still got police friends within the force. And I'm not surprised if they try to plant a gun or a bullet on me or try stick a type of crime for me. That's why right now I don't want to be around friends. I try keeping my house underneath camera. So even if they come and try to plant something I see them on camera. Right now, I install both 30 plus cameras extra around the house."

"Right now, they got me scared, Jules. I'm not lying. But with that scared, that they got me, I still will not stop fighting for my rights. I'm proud, right now, Jules. I feel happy. It's a happy between me and you Jules."

"I'm really happy and the justice. A lot that us poor people out there. We don't have to take it the wrong way, Jules. We could always work with the system. Come on, report them."

Jules Vasquez
"In the report, he said, sorry. Was that of any satisfaction to you?"

Aaron Flowers
"Jules, I got a lifetime scar on my head, Jules. I got a lifetime scar on my head. Yes, I forgive him, Jules. I forgive him. I won't take any violence against him, but I take justice against him. Justice has prevailed. This is showing everybody out there. Don't feel because you're too high, justice cannot catch up to you. Nobody no higher than justice Jules. Not even a commissioner, nobody. Once justice prevails, justice will prevail. It just needs somebody to bring it to them."

Flowers is also pursuing a civil case against Inspector Martinez - whose sentence began today. It was noted in court that the Inspector -w hoc is the commissioner's first cousin was never put on interdiction for the offense.

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