7 News Belize

A Brick From Terminal Fell On A Passerby - Transport To Investigate
posted (September 13, 2024)
Yesterday, we told you about a scary situation that happened at the Novelo's Bus terminal. A brick from off the roof of the terminal fell on a passerby and injured her shoulder.

Any seasoned commuter will tell you that it's just one more symptom of disrepair in a very broken transport system.

Today the Transport Department released a statement expressing their concern and stated that they have launched what they call "a full investigation" - no word yet on whether the brick itself will be questioned.

The release states "Our immediate thoughts and sincerest apologies go out to the affected individuals and their family during this difficult time...... A full investigation into the incident has been launched to determine the cause, and we are working with structural engineers to assess the overall safety of the building."

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