7 News Belize

Elmer Nah Triple Murder Indictment Adjourned
posted (September 17, 2024)
Ex Police corporal, Elmer Nah appeared at the high court in Belize City today and was set to be indicted for his triple murder charge but the matter could not proceed due to a number of technicalities. Nah - who was escorted by GSU officers - has been charged with three counts for the murders of Jon, David and Vivian Ramnarace and one count of attempted murder upon Yemi Alberto, that occurred on December 31st, 2022.

Nah was represented in court by attorney Lynden Jones and Godfrey Smith before Justice Nigel Pilgrim, who adjourned the matter after pointing to Nah's attorney's and the prosecutor Terrence Williams that count 5 for use of deadly means of harm was not properly before the court.

That's because under the Indictable Procedure Act, the charge of use of deadly means of harm is to be heard by a judge and jury while Counts 1 through to 4 are to be heard by a judge alone. As a result of this Pilgrim adjourned the case for September 26th in order to rectify the matter. A number of the Ramnarace relatives were also present outside of the court.

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