7 News Belize

ComPol: Some Cops Won't Be Able To Take Guns Home
posted (September 17, 2024)
And the police are also investigating a cop who shot at her common law husband, who is also an officer. We reported that 29-year-old Janeau Arzu pulled a gun on 23 year old Kendal Nunez and fired a shot after she accused him of having an affair. Notably, the weapon she used was his service pistol. While Arzu was charged, those were later dropped, but the ComPol explained that police are still proceeding with another charge.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I know that the police officer was charged, the female was charged, and the charge was subsequently withdrawn by her common-law husband and I had given instructions that she must now be charged for discharging a firearm in public. We don't need."

"The evidence from the common law in terms of that and so the police will proceed in that manner."

"It might not be a matter of training. It's more a matter of knowing how to control yourself and how to control your anger. As human being, we all get excited at times about issues. We tend to overreact over incidents due to our own inner emotions at times and so we must know how to deal with those demons that live within us. It is difficult for some people to control that and as much as we brought a psychologist on board to assist in counseling and we have also been getting assistance through the Ministry of Public Service EPA, Employees Assistance Program, we're still seeing that some officers are still stressed and again, policing is a high stress job, if you don't know how to handle stress then you'll go mad. But at the end of the day, as stressful as it may be, we cannot unleash our stress on the public. We have to find a way to deal with those professionally and that's what I have been saying to police. Just this morning in my conference I echoed that sentiment to commanders, that there's a need for them to monitor more their personnel."

"I also said to them that we need to take a second look at our firearm policy in terms of who can and who cannot take firearms home and if we have any police officer who is constantly involved in domestic issues, those police officers must never have a gun at home, even if it's a licensed gun we are going to take it away until they can undergo counseling or something to be able to help them to overcome those issues that they are confronted with and when it comes to our issued firearm, we will not issue them any to take home. If they're working in an area that requires the use of a firearm, they will get one, when they come off duty they hand that firearm to the station so we're looking at that likewise to address this whole issue of police officers misusing firearms."

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