7 News Belize

GOB Ok's Importation Of 10k Cases Of Corona
posted (September 18, 2024)
Tonight, 7News has learned that the government of Belize has given conditional authorization to a company that wants to import 10 thousand cases of Corona Beer.

As you probably know, that's Mexico's number one beer-and one of the top brands in the world. The importer, which is a local company named Goliath, tells government it wants to import it for the tourism sector - where Belikin's recent production shortfalls have been pronounced.

So, the Ministry of Agricultural and Food Security's Office of Supplies Control granted approval, but only if the bottles are labelled "Belize Market". And also, that all 10 thousand cases cannot be imported at once. And that the beers would have to pay all duties - which are prohibitively high since there is no reduced CSME tariff applied to the Mexican beer.

That would work out to about a hundred dollars per case according to one estimate. So now it is left up to the importer.

But, that is hardly a consolation for Bowen and Bowen Belize which produces Belikin beer. A spokesperson says they are disappointed the importation is even being considered. They add that the Mexican government vigorously protects its market and, quote, "we should be expecting the same from Belize. Anyone trying to cross the border into Mexico with just one case of beer is forced to throw it out - why aren't we displaying the same national pride to protect Belize's industry?"

We're told the news of the conditional approval has caused some disquiet at high levels of government where Bowen executives have expressed dismay at the decision. We'll keep following the story.

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