7 News Belize

What, If Anything Shyne Know About Diddy, And When Did He Know It?
posted (September 18, 2024)
Turning back now to politics - we have to talk about Sean P Diddy Combs. He's charged for sex trafficking and other federal and has been denied bail and is tonight in jail at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. .

Now, that's not news in Belize - unless you're Shyne Barrow - former Bad Boy records artist - who basically went to jail for P. Diddy - and famously reconciled with him upon getting out.

So what - if anything - did Shyne know about Diddy's dark underworld of sex trafficking and when did he know it? Jules Vasquez asked today:

Jules Vasquez
"Your former associate and one time boon companion, Sean P Diddy Combs, spent last night in a holding facility, in jail. And you know, he's in a, he's in a world of trouble. What are your feelings on it?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"I, one of the things that I would never wish on my worst enemy is to be incarcerated or to be, to be sick, to be bedridden. So I take no joy, in anyone's challenges, whether with the criminal justice system or otherwise."

Jules Vasquez
"ButI just like to, to clarify, and you have to be truthful in the description of the relationship."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"This is someone who, in essence, testified against me when I was on trial, when I was a, 18 year old kid. You know, just wanting to do nothing other than make my mother proud and make Belize proud and, do what all of us wanted to do, be recognized for our talent and, take over the world. I was defending him, and he turned around and called witnesses to testify against me, and he contributed, he pretty much sent me to prison. So that is the context by which you must always describe that relationship. Yes. I forgave, I moved on, but."

Jules Vasquez

"And you established a business relationship?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"No business relationship. We did not do any business."

Jules Vasquez
"You said he helped fund your political enterprise?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"I never said that. I said that he proposed to give the Howard scholarship. But let us not pretend as if I was in Miami for Thanksgiving and Christmas."

Jules Vasquez
"I saw you spent a birthday with him once."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"I went again to do a charity event for impoverished youth, in London. So let us not lose sight of what the cold, hard facts are. This was not someone, who I vacationed with, and who, he and I enjoyed this great, intimate relationship of brotherhood. This is someone who destroyed my life and who I forgive and who I moved on. And for the better interests of Belize. Because he was in a position at that time to give scholarships and to maybe invest, I would not, deny, attempting to bring the investment to Belize and to bring the contributions to education to Belize. But don't distort it as if, you know, he and I were bum-bally, this is someone that destroyed my life."

"But do I take any joy or any satisfaction with what he is going through? Absolutely not."

Jules Vasquez
"At the height of your professional relationship or thereafter through the reconciliation when he was an instrumental part of promoting you through Revolt Media, did you, were you aware of these "freak off" events and were you aware of them. Did you have any participation in them?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Oh my goodness, Jules Vasquez. (Laughs) Jules Vasquez. Jules Vasquez."

Jules Vasquez
"Were you aware of the "Freak Off's"?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Sir, I had nothing to do with Sean Combs personal life. No interaction that level. Everything was strictly on a professional level."

Jules Vasquez
"So you must have been shocked."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"You know, listen, you have you have OJ Ellington that is accused of of rape, right? And you guys move on as if it does nothing. He's still controlling a Hot Off The Press Page that he used to go after the alleged rape victims. And that's okay. You have a member of Parliament from Collett who was arrested and charged while leader of the opposition. And you give him all the praises that, you know, he is the best parliamentarian that the UDP has to offer. So obviously you don't have problems with people. And this type of repugnant behavior."

Jules Vasquez
"Sir, a Freak Off is sex trafficking, is people being drugged and serially raped."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"I don't know the details. Well, OJ was accused of rape. So it wasn't?"

Jules Vasquez
"Fair. Okay. No, not a fair comparison. He was accused."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Well, what does that have to do, well, just that has nothing to do, just that has nothing to do with me. Mr. Combs has nothing to do with me."

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