7 News Belize

Cops Fighting Northern Narcos
posted (September 19, 2024)

And police say this big bust is only part of the effort to keep the heat up on northern narcos.

We also reported on a Marijuana plantation that police had destroyed in Orange Walk on Monday. The Compol says that they are aware of the increase in drug activity in the North, and have taken steps to heighten their surveillance and response:

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"We also recently destroyed a marijuana plantation in the Rhaburn's Ridge area I think Ravens Ridge would be in the Belize District but falls under the Orange Walk jurisdiction from a police stand point again that operation was led by elements of the Belize Police department and it was based on information obtained they visited the area and they found the plantation and the plantation was destroyed whereas recently there was also a drug bust in Corozal district again where six parcels of suspected cocaine were found at a house I think in the Chunox village area and a number of persons were detained for that and one person plead guilty when the matter went before the court and the case was withdrawn against the other so it's an ongoing thing with our operation teams in the north as you all would be aware that we have the ongoing northern operations in which the government of Belize has invested a lot of money getting the resources that the police officers need to be able to execute our duties in that area and you would know that recently I think in this month there was the killing of the leader of the Caborca Cartel which is the cartel that is basically running the Quintana Roo area and this leader was killed in the Polanco area of Mexico City. We do expect that there is going to be reprisals in the Chetumal area and those reprisals may trickle over into Belize particularly along the irregular border crossing area so our officers the police, the BDF, and the coast guard have been on extremely high alert in the northern area particularly the irregular border crossing area with a view to see if there is going to be persons from over the Mexican side who may want to come over to Belize and we are also paying keen attention to those Belizeans who we know tend to operate of the directives or directions from those cartels from across the border so there is a lot that we are doing with a view to ensure we keep the integrity of our borders in tact so that these cartels cannot come and operate in our country how they may wish."

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