7 News Belize

US Again Lists Belize As Major Drug Transit Country
posted (September 19, 2024)

And, despite these efforts - the United States is not impressed. Four days ago the White House once again listed Belize a "Major Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug Producing" country.

This list includes every country in Central America - along with the Bahamas, Ecuador, Jamaica and others.

The commissioner rejected the listing today:

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"We judge based on statistics right so I am sure that members of the media you no longer hear of drug planes landing in our country. So I wonder how that came about because the truth is we have done a lot our government continues to invest in the BDF, the police and coast guard to be able to ward off these drug traffickers from our country. We have made significant progress so when I read that report I wondered myself what measuring stick they are using to be able to arrive at that conclusion but it is there assessment of us. I don't accept it I am sure that many Belizeans will not accept it and at the end of the day there is nothing we can do about it but just continue working and do what we can to ensure that we continue to keep the drug traffickers from using our country as a transshipment point."

We note that "The list is not a sanction or penalty."

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