7 News Belize

ComPol Concedes There Was A Breach In Daniel Cal's Detention
posted (September 19, 2024)

A week has passed since 26-year-old Daniel Cal passed away after an extended stay in police custody. And since then the police department has been under pressure - with the family claiming that the injuries and mistreatment he got in custody directly led to his death.

When we spoke with the commissioner today he told us that aside from the investigation into Cal's death they are also concerned that there was a breach in the department, and someone has to take accountability for it.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"When it comes to the incident involving Daniel Cal. As the commissioner of police it gives me no pleasure in seeing the death of someone go unpunished where there is evidence that somebody may be liable for that individual's death. But equally as the chief law enforcement officer in the country I am guided by evidence that would be obtained during an investigation. When the incident occurred with Cal both myself and my minister spoke and we both agreed that there needs to be done a proper investigation to get to the bottom of it. That investigation was done to some extent it is still ongoing because we don't just want to look at the criminal aspect of what took place we can say with certainty that there may be no criminal culpability on the part of the police. But as the investigation is unfolding we are seeing where some of our administrative measures were breached and so those police officers who caused the breach of our administrative measures will have to answer administratively. One such thing is that Mr Cal had not need to be in police custody beyond the Friday he could have gone to court. Why keep him in custody longer than it was necessary to do so. So whoever was responsible to ensure he had gone to court the Friday will have to answer why that did not occur."

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