7 News Belize

UDP Leader Made Complaint Against Second Deputy, Police Haven't Moved, Here's Why
posted (September 20, 2024)
And while the complaint of a death threat which Shyne Barrow made against his party's own second deputy leader wouldn't be called a gang crime - the UDP leader says he has evidence of it in a text message.

But since then, the investigation seems to have gone nowhere with no updates to the investigation.

And while charges are routinely brought based solely on complaints, the compol said that in this case that they need to ensure that they are being fair in their investigation, and all sides need to be heard before they proceed with any charges.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I don't think that Shyne dictates when the police should charge somebody. We are still looking at the matter because there are also allegations against him. It may very well be a cross complaint because Beverly Williams also has a complaint against Shyne and we don't want to be biased against either party. I have directed the investigator to make sure they look at it holistically. Interview as much people as they can, record as much statements as they can, so that we can basically arrive at a just point where we can see exactly who is at fault from who is not at fault. But so far it seems like both parties will have to face charges if that should be the case."

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