7 News Belize

BEL Doing Its Part For Safety And Health Week
posted (September 20, 2024)
And, in other news…in observance of the 23rd annual Safety & Health Week, BEL participated in a pedestrian crosswalk painting activity, to enhance the visibility of crosswalks for drivers and pedestrians. BEL and its team painted a total of 17 crosswalks across the country. Their Health & Environment Coordinator spoke more about it.

Kadie Usher, Health & Environment Coordinator, BEL
"So we are out here doing pedestrian painting we have been doing it in Dangriga, yesterday we were in San Ignacio and in Orange Walk. Today we are in Belize City on Coney drive. Its a part of our safety week activities, annually BEl puts aside a week for safety and health, and this year our focus is on road safety. And so its BEL giving back to the community in making the area a little more safe for the road users. As a responsible corporate citizen we believe that we should play our role in making the country a little safer for everybody. We also practice safe driving and so it is just natural for us to make the area safe for pedestrians."

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