7 News Belize

Belize City Man Fatally Stabbed After Orange Walk Carnival
posted (September 23, 2024)
The height of the celebration of Belize's Independence Day was found in Orange Walk this past weekend. But the reckless abandon in the streets came - as it has before with a feast of violence in its aftermath. While there were several stabbings reported, one of them proved fatal, and has left a family in mourning.

23-year-old Alwin Arnold was with his family when he was attacked and stabbed. Two days later, his relatives still aren't sure what exactly transpired.

Courtney Menzies visited his Belize City home today and spoke to his brother. Here is that story.

Every year, 23-year-old Alwin Arnolds celebrates Independence Day in Orange Walk, watching the Carnival with his family. But this past weekend was his last time doing so.

Arnolds was stabbed sometime after 8 while he was walking on the Belize-Corozal road. His family had hope that he would have somehow survived, until this older brother got that dreaded call:

Steven Baine, Brother of Deceased
"I received information around 8:30, minutes to 9 I think, my younger brother called me and told me that my younger brother had gotten into an altercation and he received injuries from a stab wound. So I told him to monitor the man and continue deal with the doctors and get the information that we need. But unfortunately like almost a half hour after, he called me back and told me that the doctor told him that the man had passed away. After that the only thing I could have done was rush out there and assist my other brother who was out there as well."

"We go every year. Myself usually goes as well but this year I wasn't really hyped up about it too much, for some reason, I don't know. But I stayed and that is why they had to call me through the telephone."

And according to the cops, the stabbing was caused by an argument between Arnolds and the killer:

ACP Hilberto Romero
"Information received that Alwin Arnolds was at Orange Walk where he got into a fight with several persons, one of which inflicted a stab wound to him. We have no suspects for the stabbing at this time."

"We do not know, we know that a lot of persons were consuming alcohol beverages. It was the carnival and a fight started, that is where this person was stabbed."

But Baine says his younger siblings didn't see the assailant, and they're still unsure of how it happened. And it came as a shock to them since they know their brother is a kind person who got along well with lots of people.

Steven Baine, Brother of Deceased
"My brother is just a type that is kinda hyped up sometimes. I can't say what really happened because I was not there."

"My brother is coming very active, very energetic, very hardworking, very loving, very caring. normal, he lived an average live, normal average life. He wasn't a part of any gangs or anything but some would look at him like a little gang boy due to your attire, how you're dressed and so, but he was just a calm cool person, if you got to know him."

"It's rough. We're just trying to cope and support each other."

Arnold's family is planning a candlelight vigil for him at the Port Loyola Basketball court on Friday.

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