7 News Belize

NTUCB Objects To Compulsory Acquisition
posted (September 23, 2024)
The National Trade Union Congress of Belize has written a 5 page letter to the government objecting to the compulsory acquisition of 23 acres on Stake Bank island.

It says that the NUTCB, quote, "objects to the intervention by the Government and the use of the (the compulsory acquisition law), and proposes to the Government alternate courses of action."

And if it proceeds with the acquisition the NTUCB has set out a long list of questions for government to answer before the second and final publication of the declaration of acquisition on October eighth.

Notably, they say that the acquisition of private land does not satisfy the requirements of a public purpose.

The questions are detailed and highly technical - it's left tone seen if the Prime Minister - to whom it. Is addressed- will respond:

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