7 News Belize

One More Teacher At More Tomorrow, Still Not Enough
posted (September 24, 2024)
Two weeks ago, we took you to More Tomorrow Government School where Dominina Pop was the principal and teacher of 40 students. Since then, they've gotten another teacher, but with three classrooms, they're still short of one. So while progress has been made, and the school can remain open, the struggle to find teachers who are willing to travel down More Tomorrow's long, pothole-riddled dirt road is no easy feat. We went back there today to get an update. Courtney Menzies has this story.

The sound of this bell signaled the end of the lunch break for the More Tomorrow students. A few weeks ago, they were on the verge of losing their school since there were no teachers. The principal, Dominina Pop, had to manage 8 grades in 3 classrooms by herself. But today she said that she finally has help:

Dominina Pop, Principal, More Tomorrow Government School
"Since your last visit, we have had many changes and great changes. I am very glad that the Ministry had sent another teacher, Ms Ruby Barrera. She's here and she's teaching the upper division so with the upper division out of my hands, I'm more comfortable and I can take control of my lower division and my middle division."

But the school's not out of the woods yet - Pop must still move between two classrooms. What she needs now is a teacher for the younger students - and parents have been keeping their kids at home or transferring them without one.

And just yesterday, a teacher that was supposed to start decided not to take on the task of traveling into the village. But Pop hasn't given up hope.

Dominina Pop, Principal, More Tomorrow Government School
"I'd say about 80%, I still have 20% missing but I was assured by my local manager that they're trying their best to locate a teacher and send him or her back to More Tomorrow."

Courtney Menzies:
"You're still have troubles because while teachers come and survey the school, they don't want to stay."

Dominina Pop
"I know, I'm disappointed but through those disappointments I know one will come and make me happy."

And that may be easier now that the road is a bit better, but Pop says the government can still do more to make the environment more welcoming for teachers.

Dominina Pop, Principal, More Tomorrow Government School
"By the grace of God I hope I reach that retirement age and I would like to make a few recommendations. I want to sell this post in More Tomorrow so one thing I would like is maybe the Ministry could have housing where the teachers can come and stay and then also let the teachers be aware of the benefits you get here, like your hardship allowance, your day off at the end of the month, you get a whole day off. And so it's very nice because it's small amount of children in each class and you can see the product that you'll do everyday, you can see the learning that's happening and you feel good about yourself."

"I must say thanks to the Ministry of Works, they upgraded the road so the condition of the road is much better but I believe they can still do more because work never stops and the more you put into it, the better results you get."

We note that, citing frustration, a few parents have opted to move their children to the school in nearby St Matthews Village.

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