7 News Belize

Speaking in Signs At Linguistic Conference
posted (September 24, 2024)
The First Inter American sign language linguistics conference took place this morning in Belize City at the UWI Campus. The attendees consisted of not only persons from the deaf community but also public servants and those willing to learn more about sign language. The event is being coordinated by Svetlana Romero, and her mother spoke with us on her behalf.

Mother of Svetlana Romero, Coordinator, International Congress for Sign language
"What we are doing today is sharing with our countries who are within the region."

"Their experience as well as how far they have reached. Our guests are all deaf and so they have come to Belize to share their knowledge and experience with us."

"Well basically the conference is to promote awareness in Belize. We need to be able to have everyone know that we have a deaf community and they may not be as active but they need to hear."

"The officers that are here they also took part in the sign language classes that they had before at least so they can practice what they have learned and some of our guest speakers will be talking about their role as a community. For example the police they protect the community and so if they do not know sign language how will they be able to communicate so they are here also to learn more."

The conference runs until September 27th.

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7 News Belize