7 News Belize

Brother Kills Brother Over Rum
posted (September 25, 2024)
There was a murder in Bella Vista Village in the Toledo District today - and it saw one brother kill another. Full details are not available yet, but around 11:30 am - John Bo was allegedly stabbed to death by his brother Mathias Bo.

The Commissioner says they were fighting over alcohol - and, this afternoon, he described the murder as "annoying":

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"These are the types of murders that really and truly are annoying. There was an issue where five persons were socializing together drinking alcohol, two of them were brothers, and it seems like they were sharing the alcohol around and when it was time for one brother to share the alcohol with the other brother, the one who had it refused to share the alcohol with his brother and his brother took a screwdriver and stabbed him in the chest. He died of that of that stab injury. Police responded quickly and were able to detain the brother who did the stabbing so the suspect is in custody and is expected to be charged hopefully today or tomorrow."

Courtney Menzies:
"Over the weekend there was a similar incident where a brother stabbed another brother however that brother survived, has the assailant been charged as yet?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I'm not sure if that person has been caught and charged but police are looking at that matter as well and again these are issues… in the domestic setting. They are frustrating, I don't understand why a brother needs to stab another brother over alcohol, it makes no sense, but it happened and we have to deal with it now."

The surviving brother was immediately arrested and is in police custody.

Reports say the deceased John bo was released from prison about a year ago.

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